Friday, April 30, 2010

America's Funniest Videos- No Joke

Nancy and I are actually going to submit a video to the tv show America's Funniest Videos. All I will say at this point is that it will involve an incredible talent that I have to make amazing noises. I'm sure that Kacie has told her friends about my unique gift but if not, you'll just have to watch the tv show with the rest of the country. If the tv show will air it, I have no doubt that I will win the grand prize. Stay tuned for updates.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

a quote from a kacie email

ohh yeah yumyummm chompcomppppppppp

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Weekend At The Inn

I had this dream this morning
Nancy, Kacie and I spent a weekend together at a small inn somewhere in the mountains in Pennsylvania. It was in a very old town with lots of shops and places to eat. I can't remember a thing that Kacie said but she had a great time walking around the town and playing with other children her age staying at the inn. She looked about six or seven years old. The roads were snow covered and we had a difficult trip back to our home in Maryland because we were traveling together on one bike with flat tires. Before leaving the inn, we made plans to come back the next weekend and explore some of the caves in the area.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Kacie's Father Turns 60 Today!!!

I have no control over how quickly the years have flown by, but I take great comfort in knowing that no one can ever make me grow up.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Drivers License

I just had this interesting dream.

I was concerned that I couldn't find Kacie's drivers license because I wanted to add it to her other things that we've collected in her room. I traveled to Baltimore and spoke with a lot of people and visited several businesses and inquired as to how I might get a duplicate of her license. When all efforts failed, I ran into Nancy and she told me to look inside Kacie's little blue purse in her room and I then woke up.

Well, I found the little blue purse in Kacie's room and here is Kacie's license and the purse.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Inflatable Bird

I had this strange dream last night.

My friends from high school and college built a rather poorly constructed house in the woods near Liberty Lake just outside of Baltimore. There were all kinds of problems and building code violations so I decided to leave the house as quickly as possible. Nancy was with me and we hadn't gotten married yet. As she and I were leaving , I called for Kacie. Kacie walked into the living room wearing an inflatable bird costume. None of her body was exposed and based on her height, she was probably six or younger.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Talk to me

Does anyone remember how Kacie used to answer her phone all the time?

"Talk to me"

She used to say it so funny, can't explain how she said it.