Sunday, February 27, 2011

Great Shark Day

The weather was pefect on Hilton Head Island today and we fished for shark in Calibogue Sound in the vicinity of Kacie's memorial lighthouse. In two hours of fishing we landed four sharks and lost as many. Not real big, in the four feet range and we caught them in a deep hole about sixty feet down. We had an unusal experience with a really large dolphin, Flipperzilla, about ten feet long. It came up to us within touching distance and would not go away. It kept smiling at us and doing tricks until we took off to another spot about a half mile away and sure enough, he followed us.

Jeff, I can catch them year round now so come on home.

Friday, February 25, 2011

baby bell cheese

Something i just remembered was how much Kacie loved BabyBell Cheese and the Laughing Cow cheese. I am taking it easy cooking dinner on a friday night munching on Laughing cow cheese and drinking wine. I remember sometimes Kacie would come over my place and sneak eating all my cheese. :)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Pretend Reading 10/12/86

Kacie and Jenny Wildworld 7/05/90

Kacie and Jenny Wildworld 7/05/90

Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany ski trip

Thank you guys so much for the card, it came just in time for my birthday. Put a big smile on my face. Here are a couple pictures from my ski trip last weekend. (The Audi was not really mine, just a rental)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

chorus dream

I had a weird dream last night that Gary, Nancy and I were standing in a long line to some huge show/concert at some kind of stadium. There were characters from the TV show The Office that were working the admissions line. When Gary and Nancy were up they asked them for their ID and why they had come to the show. Gary said that the show was going to show a video of Kacie when she was in elementary school performing in chorus. I later found out somehow that it was a video show about kids and Queen Latifah was going to be hosting. I don't know. kinda weird. Ha.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Frankie Valli Gives The Performance Of A Lifetime

Frankie absolutely blew the audience away at the beautiful Times Warner Center in Jacksonville, Florida last night. While performing the last song, he walked across the stage to me and shook my hand.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Look Who Turns 30 Tomorrow!!

Have a great day Jeff!!

Shoe Shine Dream

I had this dream two nights ago.

I was in the basement of the row house that I grew up in near Baltimore City. I was counting a large pile of money when Kacie walked up to me and asked me if I would give her some. She appeared to be about 5 or 6. I told her that I would give her $5 if she would shine my shoes and she told me that she would be right back and walked to the rear of the basement. After several minutes I searched for her and found her asleep next to a large aquarium that was about to fall on her because it was standing on only two legs. When I grabbed the aquarium to support it, I suddenly woke up.


Thursday, February 3, 2011

Recurring Dream

I had this dream again last night and have had it several times before.

Kacie has died and we decided to have another child. The child is identical to Kacie in appearance, voice, and personality and we have named her Kacie. She grows older and I am concerned that she will begin to show a little bit of Kacie's difficult side but she remains easy going and pleasant.