Monday, July 4, 2011

A Sympathy Letter From Lindsey

Has anyone stayed in touch with her?

Hilton Head's Crowne Plaza Hotel

Great Memories From Our House In Woodbine, Md.

An Amazing Experience

I've been reading this book from Kacie's collection called Jack Maggs for several weeks and I was at the middle when I got distracted and moved on to some other books of my own. So, for some reason I began to think about the book again but couldn't quite make up my mind about finishing it. This went on for several days until I was driving past Hallmark Cards one afternoon last week. This is the store where Kacie got her first job and as I approached the store a car with a Florida tag pulled out in front of me and I happened to look at the license plate which said MAGGS. What are the chances of that? I, of course, finished the book and think that it is one of the best books that I've read in a long time.

Just Found But Hopefully Never Posted Before

Jeff Returns To Hilton Head And Chills Out

The Legend Of Sweetpea, Our Boat, Lives On

Jeff was able to put together a nice presentation of our world record shark on youtube. Plug in "world record blacktip shark" or "gary new shark" to see the story.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Never Dreamed You'd Leave in Summer- Live in Brazil in 1971

I did not know that this was an older Stevie Wonder song. I thought he had made it more recently.