Sunday, November 18, 2012

Kacie "Coincidences" On Our O.C. Trip

After arriving in Baltimore we went directly to Columbia Mall and walked through Nordstroms into the main mall.  Several feet outside of the store was a table with chairs and as we were walking by, Beebs remarked that we had met Kacie and sat at that same table about six years ago.  A friend of mine that lived in Columbia met me at the mall and he was there with us at this table and enjoyed talking to Kacie.  As we looked at the table and reflected,  I looked up and saw my same friend walk right past us.  I hadn't seen him in six years and had lost track of him!!  He didn't recognize me and I was too stunned to open my mouth.  He walked into Nordstroms and when I had composed myself I looked for him and he was gone.  What are the chances of that?

A couple of days later,  when walking through Ellicott City to meet Kacie's friends at Bean Hollow, Kacie favorite coffee shop, we ran into a man walking a pug just outside of the shop.  Of all the dogs out there, why a pug?

We had another strange jetty experience at Ocean City.  Shortly after arriving, we went to the jetty and the weather was miserable as it had been last year.  We were determined to visit Kacie's rock so I inched my way out there while Beebs stayed on the jetty close to the beach.  I was determined to touch up Kacie's initials and add Gus and when I got to the rock it stopped raining,  a circle formed in the clouds with the sun shinning brightly through the opening.  I worked as quickly as possible and as I was walking back to Beebs the sun went behind the clouds and it resumed raining.  Beebs and I just couldn't believe how this was a repetition of our experience on the jetty a year ago.  Jeff had the same experience two years prior to this!!!

And finally, we went to the Dough Roller for lunch on the boardwalk.  We have some great memories from there and one of our favorites was the time that Kacie caused a major scene when she spilled her drink and dropped her plate on the floor.  She was only 3 or 4 but managed to shut down an aisle for an embarassing several minutes.  Maybe I was thinking of this incident when I managed to somehow spill my drink as we were sitting there near Kacie's legendary table.  It wasn't quite as spectacular as what Kacie did, but it was rather funny when the waitress ran over to our table and gave me a scolding look just like the one that I gave Kacie 25 years ago.  Paybacks are hell.   


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

A Great Book From Kacie's Book Club Favorites

I just finished this book and was blow away.  This book is incredible, brilliant, hillarious, unforgettable, etc.  It's Kacie's sense of humor from beginning to end.  I like the old classics like Dickens and Hardy and didn't believe that a modern day author could write anything to compare with them but Kacie found a winner.  Thanks to Natalie for listing this as one of Kacie's favorites. 


Friday, November 2, 2012