Sunday, December 29, 2013

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Gus' Last Photo Session

Kacie's Library

I've been reading these two very unusual novels from Kacie's library.  Killing Mister Watson deals with life along the coast of western Florida a century ago.  Wicked is a hillarious book about the witch in The Wizard Of Oz.  How did Kacie come up with these oddities?  Did she ever talk about them?

Old Man

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Kacie's Book Club Apparent Winner

The Old Man just finished this Dickens classic and will win the annual Kacie Book Club Contest as established earlier this year unless someone else reads a few classics really fast.  Being a Dickens classic, it was great.  It was full of sub-plots, very interesting but difficult reading at times.  It starts off a little slow but hang in there because it really takes off.

Recent Beach Walk Stuff

Monday, December 9, 2013