Sunday, February 28, 2010

driftwood from ocean city trip

Here is a collection of drift wood Kacie and I gathered during our winter ocean city trip. I think it was in 2004? We would take long walks from the Dunes Manor down to the end of the boardwalk and back. On our last walk on the beach before we had to leave and go home I made Kacie help me gather as much driftwood as we could find. I emptied out my suitcase and put all the driftwood inside. These are some of the pieces we found that day. I have saved them for years... not sure what to do with them. One of the pieces I made a piece of art out of and gave to Kacie and Gary and Nancy have it now :)
If anyone else is interested in having a piece of the driftwood, I would love to share it with everyone and I could even paint something on it for you if you like. Let me know if anyone would like one. I want to keep at least a piece or two for myself but I would love to give one to anyone else. Let me know. Thanks.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Kacie's Weird Little Dog

Gus just turned 9!!! He's just having a bad day and normally looks much younger. He comes from Augusta, Georgia but has adjusted well to beach living.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Kacie Catches Her First Fish- 5/13/89 Liberty Lake

We weren't exactly Andy and Opie but when Kacie was very young we used to fish together at our nearby lake. I did my best to get her interested in the outdoors and maybe that's why she loved the Andy Griffith Show all her life.

Tap Dancing Recital- 5/88

Kacie always loved to be the center of attention and never had a shy bone in her body. She looked straight at the audience and gave us a smile of confidence.

Ballet Recital- 5/88

Believe it or not, many hours of work went into this performance. Most of us were able to hold our laughter but a few completely lost it.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Enchanted Forest- 4/12/87

We always had a great time at the Enchanted Forest. The L'il Red Schoolhouse seems to pop up quite often as we look at Kacie's early years. The Schoolhouse has been transported to a farm in Howard County and we hope to visit it on our next trip to Baltimore.

Three Headed Turtles Dream

I had this strange dream last night.

Kacie and I had a large aquarium at our home and we drained the water out of it and there were a handful of goldfish flopping around in the bottom. We felt sorry for them and decided to take them to a nearby shopping mall that had a large fountain. We released them into the fountain and then noticed that the fountain was full of turtles that each had three heads. Kacie and I talked about what it must be like to see the world with three heads and then I woke up.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Expensive Dress Dream

I had this painful dream last night.

Kacie's legal date of death is 3/11/08. For me it will always be 3/7/08. This was the date that she was admitted to the hospital and was determined to be without any brain function. As the date approaches, I've been thinking alot about this and my dream was the result.

In my dream, Nancy came to me and was complaining that Kacie wanted a very expensive dress. I got upset and told her that we knew that Kacie's date of death was very near and that we should give her anything that she wanted and spend as much time with her as possible. I then ran upstairs and entered Kacie's room. She appeared as she did they last time that we saw her and I told her that she could have this dress or anything that she wanted and I woke up.

Grand Cayman Adventure- Stingray City

One of the best times of our lives was our vacation to Grand Cayman in August of 1990. We took Kacie to this bay that was full of stingrays. She had absolutely no fear of them as she did with most things. Look closely and you will see dark objects moving beneath her. These are very large stingrays. They somehow became very tame and this native man was able to catch one in his arms.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

First Day Of School

I interviewed Kacie after she got home from her first day of school.

Boardwalk Dancing

In September of 1985 we took Kacie to her favorite place in this world, the boardwalk in Ocean City, Md. When she got near the amusement centers at the end of the boardwalk, she would hear the noise and constant music and always go into a little dance.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Kacie Dances On The Porch

We lost the sound on this one but it's a Kacie classic because even at an early age she had to steal the show. The other poor girl in this video is Kacie's cousin, Jennie. She was a little shy so Kacie had to drag her into the act.

The Front Porch Concert

We used to pretend that Kacie was a rock star and she would give concerts on our front porch in Woodbine. Here she performs one of her favorites You Can't Hurry Love by the Supremes. The Supremes sang "you can't hurry love, you just have to wait" but Kacie preferred "fish in a plate."

Two Nights With The Same Dream

I've had this same dream for the last two nights.

Kacie has been dead for several years and we have a new daughter that looks, talks and acts exactly like Kacie. She appears to be about 3 or 4 years old. Nancy and I are so happy because it's just like having Kacie back. Then we begin to worry because if she's just like Kacie then her life will end in the same way. So we discuss various things that we'll have to do to change her and then I wake up.

Ocean City Snow Scene 2/7/10

This is the stretch of the boardwalk where Jeff and I scattered Kacie's ashes.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

ocean city gets snow

check out this link about ocean city preparing for the snow.

i also checked out the beach cam:

we have over 21" of snow here. this is crazy. i will not be going anywhere all weekend.... maybe even on monday.