Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Face Dream

I had this dream early this morning.

I walked into a very crowded room in someone's house and apparently a party was going on. As I looked around, I noticed Kacie in the rear of the room. She looked exactly as she did the last time we saw her. I walked up to her and her skin looked very soft and beautiful. We didn't speak but I touched her face and then I woke up.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

JAWS 8/21/10 It Surfaces - 9 Feet and 300 Pounds

The existing state record for the blacktip shark is 135 pounds and has stood for 25 years. My fish broke the record by 100 pounds and being unaware of this at the time I released it. To have it weighed in I would have had to tow it about 5 miles to a marina.

We have submitted these several videos and photos to the South Carolina Dept. of Natural Resources to be reviewed by a biologist there with the hope that this blacktip shark will be in the book as the new state record.


JAWS 8/21/10 It Went Under The Boat

JAWS 8/21/10 Our First View Of The Monster

Listen closely as Beebs says "oh my god, I'm scared."

JAWS 8/21/10 The Fight Continues

JAWS 8/21/10 The Fight Continues

JAWS - The Fight Begins And It Was A Monster

We panicked. Beebs tried to put a fighting belt on me as the battle began and she put it on upside down.

JAWS 8/21/10 Fight Scenes

The immense size of the fish can be determined by the length of the steel wire leader in this picture which is 3 feet long. This wire made the catch of this 9 foot shark possible because its teeth looked about an inch long. A local shark expert guessed its weight to be about 300 pounds. It was about 6 feet from the dorsal (top) fin to the caudal (rear) fin and another 3 feet from the dorsal fin to the tip of the nose.

This morning around 10:00 we had already caught two sharks of about 3 feet and 5 feet. We were fishing in a shipping channel between Hilton Head and Savannah in about 30 feet of water about two miles off of the southern tip of Hilton Head. For bait we were drifting 10 inch fish along the bottom when the monster hit. The reel was smoking as the shark peeled off about two hundred yards of line. I fought it for about 30 minutes and it towed us almost a mile. We were shocked when we first saw it surface. It was a blacktip shark of about 9 feet. I've seen them over 10 feet in the spring of the year on sandbars. I released it so swimmers beware, it's still out there.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Front Porch Concert 7/1/90

Kacie and her cousin, Jenny, loved to perform on our front porch in Woodbine whenever Jenny visited. Jenny always took her performances very seriously but Kacie never could. Sorry, no sound.

More Trampoline 3/18/96

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Hilton Head Has A New Lifeguard

It's his first day on the job and already tourists (from Ohio) are questioning his ability to perform surf rescues.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Card Collection.

I just got a birthday card in the mail from Gary and Nancy and wanted to share it with you all. Thank you Gary and Nancy for thinking of me on my birthday! It really means a lot!

I hold onto all the other cards you have sent me and keep them on my refrigerator because they are so darn cute. Look at this other pug from last year's birthday.
and here is another card that they sent me when I first moved into my new house. I am so thankful to have you both still apart of my life and I really look forward to seeing you when you come visit... which by the way do we have any travel dates yet?
Also, Larissa, Amanda and I still all need to scan in our photo booth photos from Ocean City. They are hilarious as usual! :)

"Until I Find You" - A Dream

I had this dream yesterday morning.

I was listening to a woman talk and she was very excited about a book that she had just read. She said that it was her favorite book and it went by the above title. I then told her that I had found this book in Kacie's collection.

The book is a paperback that I found in Kacie's room. It was written by John Irving. Does anyone know if Kacie actually read this book or talked about it? I think I'll begin reading it this weekend.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

"A Little Ditty About Jack And Diane"

Jeff and I took our bikes aboard Sweetpea this morning and went to Daufuskie Island. There aren't many houses on the island but here Jeff is on his bike in front of John Mellencamp's house on the southern tip of the island.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Jeff Returns To Paradise

We had lunch at a nearby island called Daufuskie at our favorite restaurant.
Captain Beebs and Jeff took a break from shark fishing and took a cool swim.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

oc trip summer 2010

from the end of the jetty, what a beautiful view

amanda and i on the jetty

the strange natalie carving at the end of the jetty is still there but has faded. We searched again high and low for the carving Jeff did and were not able to find it :( I wonder if it got washed away with the salt water?
Amanda enjoying her Dumser's icecream

Larissa and I playing swordfight with our chocolate covered frozen bananas
breakfast at the Dunes Manor Hotel. Larissa and I both got the Victorian Eggs Benedict and Amanda got the blueberry pancakes. Both dishes were delicous!!

Hi Everyone,
This weekend we took our OC trip for the weekend and we had a lot of fun. Sorry we weren't able to get ahold of you, Gary and Nancy, we actually left pretty early this morning (sunday) because it was suppose to be thunderstorms. I spoke with Jeff briefly but my cell phone had terrible reception and then was not able to get back in touch with him. In anycase, I know you will be able to see the photos on here as soon as your internet comes back on!
Here are some of the photos from our trip! Amanda took a bunch too. We also will have to scan in our photobooth pictures. :)

Love ya!