Thursday, January 27, 2011

This Is Not The Brain Of A Tourist Left Behind Last Summer- On Our Beach Walk This Evening I Found This Sea Pork. It's A Colony Of Animals

Lemonade Kiss Dream

I had this dream last night and remember it in vivid detail.

I came home to our house in Woodbine one afternoon and Kacie and Beebs were not there. Our dog, Barney, was sleeping. I walked out on our front lawn and kids were coming home from school and running up the hill toward our house. Kacie was one of them and she ran up to me and said "can I have a lemonade kiss?" I told her that I was concerned because I couldn't find her mother and she said "she left a list of complaints."

Sunday, January 23, 2011

A note to Ricky

My brother, Ricky, went to school to become a mechanic and when he graduated from trade school we threw him a little party at my mom's house. Kacie knew my family very well and Ricky and her always loved joking around together. Anyway, at the graduation party I blew up a picture of my brother making a funny face and put it on a mat board for everyone to sign for his graduation party. I was going through old stuff the other day and I found it piled away. Here is what Kacie wrote to my brother...

Cat Power

Kacie was the first to introduce me to Cat Power. We went to see her live in DC one night, Larissa was there too. Unfortunately, the show was kind of disappointing because Chan Marshall was too drunk to sing. Kacie really loved her music and I was really lucky to have Kacie introduce me to so many different musical artists.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Gary always asks if I listen to my Frankie Valli CD. I decided to listen to it tonight for the first time in a while and post a picture of what songs are on it.

Sunday, January 9, 2011