Sunday, January 29, 2012

recently found

Today I was cleaning out my office and I found a few cd's with pictures on them. The first one is from Kacie's bachelorette party in the limo. The other two were from her shower at my old apartment in Sykesville.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Snow and Ice in Baltimore- Go Ravens!

Hi Guys,
We got a little bit of snow and ice this weekend. It was Ziggy's first time seeing the snow. I think he likes it but he also really loves to lay in front of our woodstove and stay warm. :) Hope everyone is doing well.

Trimpers Rides - Ocean City, MD

The other day I was cleaning out my art studio. I am known for being a bit of a pack rat and keeping lots of trinkets. I came across this in a pile of old jewelry. I remember Kacie and I both made one as a souvenir during an Ocean City get-a-way. It is a machine that makes it from a penny. I think it cost like 50 cents to make it. Trimpers is all the way on the end of the boardwalk and has quite a history. Check out their website
I can't recall which trip it was when we made this... Larissa do you remember doing this on the time all 3 of us went?

Monday, January 9, 2012

Kacie's Recommended Reading

She left behind this little slip of paper with the name of this book and the author. I just started reading it yesterday and it's great and the kind of book that Kacie would love.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Kacie's Music

Does anyone remember this collection? We've been listening to it lately and it's really good. Kacie secretly liked the oldies.