Saturday, October 18, 2014

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Memories of Kacie from Grandma

The first night Kacie spent the night at Grandma's she was 3 years old.  She slept with Grandma and Grandad was sleeping in another room.  As Kacie was getting undressed she says, " I miss my Mommy, my Daddy, and the family."

While taking a walk with Grandma and Grandma's dog, Barron, Kacie says, "Mom, Mom,  Do you get tired of a kid and a dog.  (age 3-4)

Kacie was a flower girl at Uncle Jimmy's wedding and she danced and danced all evening.  She did not want to go home.  She says,  "My feet have a headache."  (age 5).

Kacie was over at Grandma's playing with a friend.  She did not want to share her toys with Sandy. Grandma tells Kacie ... you know that little song that we see on TV about it's so nice when you have little friends over, its so nice to share your toys.  Kacie says, " Well Mom, Mom, Do you want to hear my song? Kacie doesn't want to share her toys with Sandy."  (age 3-4).

Timmy, next door to Grandma was over for a visit.  Timmy was going to the bathroom, and Kacie had to follow him.  She had a puzzled look on her face.  Mom, Mom, Timmy is doing pee pee standing up! Grandma - Well, Kacie that how little boys use the bathroom.  Kacie - Well, Does he sleep standing up?  (age 3-4).

When Kacie went shopping with Grandma, she always asked if Grandma would buy her a little something.  Grandma always bought her something.  This day, when  Kacie went over, Nancy said, Now Mom if you take her to the mall, please buy something cheap.  Well, at Sears Kacie falls in love with a doll there.  Kacie - "Oh Mom, Mom, that doll is so beautiful!  How much is the doll?  $10 or so. She was so excited,Grandma bought it for her.  When Nancy came to pick up Kacie, Kacie says, "Grandma, show Mom that cheap doll you bought me".  (age 5-6).

The beginnings of a great sense of humor. LOL