Wednesday, August 19, 2009

other OC Photos

the two last photos are larissa and amanda at the karaoke bar called, "The Sandbar", Kacie and I had gone there a couple times before. Amanda and I sang a MJ song. The next morning we all got Eggs Benedict (kacies fav) at the restauraunt in the Dunes Manor hotel (there is a picture of the menu)
Then there is one shot of Amanda and I on the jetty that morning. (Larissa is too chicken to come all the way out on it :p )
And then ofcourse our frozen chocolate bananas on the boardwalk, Amanda opted for a milkshake from Dumser's.
We had a great weekend, wish you all could have been there with us!

1 comment:

Rissy said...

Natalie is absolutely right. I am a complete chicken when it comes to the jetty. I just picture my foot slipping and my leg getting jammed between one of those giant rocks...oh man, it is NOT pretty in my head!!