Saturday, June 25, 2011

Kacie And The Cat Dream

I had this dream a couple of mornings ago.

I was attending my high school reunion in a large room at Columbia Mall. My old friends were there and the food was great. When it was over, I walked outside and Beebs and Kacie met me to give me a ride back to our home in Woodbine. As we were walking to the car, a small cat approached us and Kacie insisted that we take it home. She and I got into an argument over this but she won and Kacie, Beebs and the cat went to the car and were supposed to come back and get me but when they did Kacie was driving and she kept passing by me so I had no choice but to walk all the way back home.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

weird about the high school reunion thing. I just got notification Glenelg's 10 year reunion is coming up. yikes.