Monday, September 19, 2011

recent sad dream

This weekend I had a dream that I was talking with a man who was going to marry Kacie. I don't know who he was but for some reason I did not like him. I decided that I had to go talk to Kacie and see what was going on. I went back to Mimi's old house in Catonsville. I went to knock on the door but noticed a rolled up large piece of paper. The paper read something along the lines that by state law the person in this house was grieving and should be left alone. This upset me and I decided I wasn't going to listen to the notice. I began banging on the door with my fist. Immediately, a woman opened the door. It was Mimi but she was much younger and had very long wavy blonde hair. She yelled at me "Don't you have any manners!" I began crying saying I just wanted to talk to Kacie. At that point I woke up because I think that the dream got to emotional and actually woke me up.

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Sorry about your dreams. They seem so real.