Friday, September 7, 2012

Book Club Posting

Take a look at the 7/24/08 posting for Kacie's book club.  You'll find a picture of Kacie holding this book.  For four years I've been thinking about reading it so I finally did several days ago.  It was a really good murder mystery.  I wonder where she got this very old book.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

I was the photographer who took pictures of Kacie reading this book- i believe she had my glasses on in the picture. I staged the whole thing - At the time I wanted to get into fashion photography- one of the million ideas in my head. Kacie liked old books she would find at thrift stores, antique stores etc. I think she bought it when she lived in sykesville because she wanted to have some old books stacked up on her window seat as decor. She was sitting in that window seat when I took the photo.