Sunday, December 30, 2012

Stressed Out Dream

We just got back from a vacation at the Dunes Manor in O.C. and I had this dream while there.

Kacie was working at a place called John's Auto Repair and I went to see her there.  Several workers outside of the building told me that it was a terrible place to work.  When I went inside, Kacie was frantically running around with a list of things to do.  Her clothing was very disorderly and she looked really stressed out.  She told me that she was the service manger there and only took the job because she couldn't find anything else.  I went outside and as I was standing there I saw her dump some trash in a dumpster.  She didn't realize it but a lit cigarette was in the trash and the entire dumpster went up in blazes.  She ran from the scene but I convinced her to go back to work which she did.  I later visited the office but she was not there and no one could find her.


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