Sunday, January 13, 2013

The End Of Hilton Head's Shelter Cove Mall

 Kacie and her friends spent a lot of time at our beautiful island mall.  Amanda worked at a candy store here and Gus was in a dog show here.  I'm sure Jeff has some good mall memories also.  This month this island landmark will be leveled to make way for a grocery store and outdoor shops.

1 comment:

Jeff said...

You are right, I am sure I can come up with a few memories of this place. Off the top of my head, I remember shopping for cassette tapes at the record store here when I was much younger. I think this was when CDs first starting to come out and they sold them in long boxes. Way later on, I actually just remembered getting a haircut at the barber shop here and Kacie was with me. I was not used to having a normal haircut and I really didn't like it. I think Kacie and I met up with Amanda at the Italian place across the street afterwards (I think Guisseppi's?). Weird how you remember little things like that.