Sunday, September 29, 2013

River Road video

beautiful day :) enjoy.

River Road September 2013

I was in the Sykesville area, so I decided to make a stop at River Rd. I took the scenic route and started all the way at the top of River Road at RT.32 and worked my way down to the part closer to downtown Sykesville. While I was driving, I thought a lot about Kacie and the long walks / adventures we had on River Road. I also thought about her birthday coming up and how I wish I could do something special for it. I got to the spot and parked my car. Right outside of the car there was this little decoration from someone's birthday. Then I walked down to her rock and was able to find her initials right away. It was a beautiful day. The leaves haven't quite started to change yet but there was a nice fall breeze.  

Monday, September 16, 2013

Spontaneous Trip to OC.

I have some relatives visiting from Germany. It is there first time to the US. I wanted to show them the beach. We went to OC yesterday and are in Bethany now. It was Bike-Fest this weekend. There were Harley's everywhere. We wanted to park at the lot by the Jetty, but they had it all closed off for Bikes only.
The tide was kind of rough and the lifeguard wouldn't let me go all the way out to the end of the jetty. I looked over the rocks trying to find Kacie's initials but did not see it. I think the rock may have been a little farther out then I was able to go. We also walked the boardwalk and took photos in the old B&W photobooth.
It was nice. My cousins and I had a good time. Wish we would have been able to get some tea at The Dunes Manor. We did drive by it though on our way up to Bethany.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Saturday, September 7, 2013