Saturday, September 13, 2014

Before you Heal you have to Mourn

A friend of mine posted this article on facebook recently. She also lost someone close to her at a young age. I listened to the story and it really touched on a lot of similar feelings and experiences I am sure we all had losing Kacie. I have learned that everyone mourns and heals differently. I am so grateful to have had all of you to share our own individual experiences and memories of Kacie along our journey and that we will always have a place to come to remember or to share. Love you guys! -Natalie
Warning: this is a tearjerker to listen to.

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Hi Natalie,
We were so sorry to hear of your friend's loss. When the unthinkable happens, you wonder how you will ever deal with the pain. It has been 6 years now since we lost Kacie, and how true the poet's words are that you don't get over it. We have learned with time has come healing and a way to cope with our grief. It also was such a Big help, that we were able to share our feelings with everyone on Kacie's blog site. In fact, I was just reading some of the comments posted last night. Maybe this idea might help your friend also. We are sending you an article that has helped deal with losing Kacie. Good to hear from you. Love, Nancy and Gary