Friday, September 12, 2008

I miss you


I am in Kuwait and on my way home. Before I left, I didn't make it to Baltimore to visit you and you told me you would never see me again. You were right. You were worried that it was me that wasn't going to make it back. I have so many unanswered questions.

Everyone else here is excited about coming home. I feel nothing because my best friend is not there to welcome me back.

I miss you so much



Nancy said...

we love you and are thinking alot about you at this time. Please let us know that you got in safely.

Nancy and Gary

Gary New said...

Hey Jeff,

Yesterday morning, I told Mimi that she might be getting a big surprise. Yesterday evening she begged me to tell her what it was so I broke down and said you might be coming to see her this weekend. Just wanted to let you know that she won't be surprised.