Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Through out my day I am always seeing or experiencing reminders of Kacie. Something I started doing obsessivly is noticing all the K's around me. Its amazing how many license plates have the letter K in them. This house I drive by almost everyday for work. This door is on a house in Baltimore that I walk by when walking Eva in the park.


Gary New said...

Natalie, wasn't there a house on River Road that you and Kacie would walk past and it had some sort of funny name on the mailbox?

Natalie said...

yes there was a mail box that kacie and i always saw when we would take a walk on river road. well it was 2 mailboxes actually. One said New on it , the other said Old. They were both at the same driveway. We thought it was so funny that two neighbors had the last name New and Old. Plus being that it was Kacie's last name. I don't know what the story is behind it. Maybe the person really likes to not throw anything away and had there new mailbox and old?? I dont know!

Natalie said...

i dont know why the door picture wasnt up before... but now it is.

Nancy said...

Good idea Natalie. Now, I will be on the lookout for K's too. Thanks for the picture.

Jeff said...

I'll look out for some K's over here in the Deutschland.