Monday, September 28, 2009

Return To Waverly Mansion 9/25/09

The best evening of our lives.


Jeff said...

The house looks great. Seeing the tent set up reminds of the wedding day.

Rissy said...

I went with Kacie on her first trip to look at Waverly Mansion. In fact, I went with her to a ton of other places that she ended up rejecting. She thought most of them were really tacky, but she loved Waverly. You kno Kacie...anything antique.

I remember that when we first visited, Walter was the one who showed us around. He was telling us all about the time period in which the house was built, and about the people who built it.

I was going to work when we were done, so I had heels on, making me about 3 inches taller than normal. He looked at me and said that when the house was built I'd never have found a husband because everyone was much shorter then and I would have stuck out like a sore thumb. Kacie found that EXTREMELY amusing.