Sunday, April 11, 2010

Talk to me

Does anyone remember how Kacie used to answer her phone all the time?

"Talk to me"

She used to say it so funny, can't explain how she said it.


Gary New said...

We remember.

I'm still looking for "I'll take two bags."

Nancy said...

Yes, definitely remember.

I also can't forget the way she would leave messages like "It's me!! in a real high, squeaky voice and "Hellooooo, in a real low, low voice." Too funny, always made me smile.

Rissy said...

I don't know if this was an influence on her use of that phrase, but I remember that that's how Uncle Jesse used to answer the phone on Full House. haha...I'm not sure I can picture Kacie quoting that show, but it would have been popular when she was a kid.

Natalie said...

Yes i remember it! I know exactly the voice you are talking about Jeff and the ones Nancy mentioned. I really really wish I had a recording of it.

Jeff said...

Haha. I was just thinking about that driving in my car and started laughing. She was so funny, when she would say it, she would immediately start laughing at herself for saying it.