Saturday, May 29, 2010

A Nice Day Aboard Sweetpea

Today we had a dolphin come right up to our boat. We caught three sharks -the biggest one pictured here is about five feet.

We finally got a crab house. It doesn't look like much from the outside but large male crabs are $20 per dozen steamed.


Rissy said...

That is so cool about the dolphin!!! I have never seen anything like that up close before...except at an aquarium which I imagine is just not the same!

Jeff said...

Oh man, I know what Im doing when I come back home. Great pictures Gary

Nancy said...

Seeing the dolphin swim right up to our boat twice was one of the most exciting things Ive ever seen on a boat and will always remember. Thanks to my hat blowing off, we had to turn Sweet Pea around and go back to shore into about 3 feet of water to get it and the dolphin swam right to us to investigate! Gary said there was a baby dolphin right near the mother, but I missed it.
Its an experience seeing the sharks but you all are right, they are creepy!
I think Kacie would have loved the dolphin.

Natalie said...

Kacie would have loved the dolphin. When I was in Mexico a few years back I swam with a dolphin... well not really swam but stood in the water while the dolphin swam around us. It was so amazing, they are beautiful creatures. Quite a coincidence that your hat blew off and took you to a dolphin. wow.

In regards to the crab house, do you guys need me to send you some Old Bay for the crabs? I have heard its hard to find in other places.

Gary New said...


Thanks for the offer but we can get
Old Bay in any of the stores here.

Before I forget, there is a big gap in postings when you scroll down on this page of Kacie's website. Can this gap be removed? Is it possible to have the entire site on one page like it was before?