Friday, July 30, 2010

The First Step That She Took - 8/25/84

She was ten months old and we were lucky to be filming Kacie when she took her first unsupported step. That brief moment has stuck with me all of my life.

Kacie Is Six Months Old

Kacie Is Three Months Old

Here she begins to focus on things around her and has started to smile and laugh- her sense of humor has begun.

Kacie Is Six Weeks Old

Thursday, July 29, 2010

teatime this weekend!

Amanda, Larissa and I will be making our yearly ritual trip to Ocean City, MD this weekend! We will be staying at the Dunes Motel again, (owned by Dunes Manor) which means free tea and crumpets!! yayyyyy!!! New pictures from our trip to follow!! love ya guys. These are pics from last years trip.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Pugs Sing Batman!


here is my puppy, Eva... well I guess shes all grown up now. She is a little over a year and a half old. These pics were from a hiking trip at Harpers Ferry. Kacie and I talked about making a trip up there to go to the flea markets but never made it. I hope one day I will get to do that.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Our Last Several Minutes With Kacie

We had dinner in Catonsville at Mathew's Restaurant with Kacie and she drove us back to Mimi's house in her new car. I happened to see this new Crosley record and disc player that Kacie had just bought and I asked her to play us a record. She chose an old sixites album by the Lovin' Spoonful and played us this song-"Did You Ever Have To Make Up Your Mind?" When it ended she immediately walked back to her bedroom and that was the last that we saw of her. This song haunts me every time I hear it but it makes me happy to think that at least I influenced her to enjoy oldies music. Kacie was taken to the hospital four days later.

Kacie Is One Week Old

A Note In A Drawer

Beebs just found this note from Kacie in a drawer in her office. It was dated October 18.

Kacie's Favorite Surf Dogs

We were taking our usual Sunday morning surf walk today and came upon this French lady with her 5 French bulldogs. They were all bullies and the one called Coustea was the nastiest to Gus. I think that Kacie had actually wanted a French bulldog but settled for a pug because they're less expensive.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Return To Woodbine Dream

I had this dream this morning.

Nancy and I went back in time to our home in Woodbine, Md. It was winter and the house was full of people, mostly young kids and Kacie was one of them. She and her friends were happy and making a lot of noise running through the house. We watched her and then realized that her life would be very short and we were heart broken.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Daily Planner Dream

I had this strange dream just before waking this morning.

I had my daily planner with me with all of my appointments scheduled on a daily basis. I was looking for a particular date in July in my book but became very frustrated because I couldn't find that particular page. So I laid my book on the ground behind my mother's house and began to flip from page to page. Out of nowhere Kacie appeared as an adult and I asked her to help. She just stood there and smiled at me without saying a word and I woke up.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Adventures In Paradise

This morning we visited nearby Tybee Island. Here you see the lighthouse.

Here's a shrimper about two miles out in the ocean near Hilton Head.

John Mellencamp just built a house on the beach behind these birds. This is nearby Daususkie Island. That reminds me, Eddie Money will be performing on the beach near our house in September and we're getting our tickets today.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

America's Funniest Video

Kacie would love this. After numerous technical problems, we have submitted my video to the tv show. Stay tuned for updates. If my video is shown, I have no doubt that I will be bigger than Seinfeld. Is America ready for my sense of humor? I'm very optimistic because I fully believe that if Dumb And Dumber can be a hit, so can I.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Par For Kacie

What are the chances of this happening? Well, pretty good with Kacie. I had just gotten this video camera and I was very protective. Watch closely. When Kacie throws the ball, it directly hits the camera lense and knocks my camera out of my hand.

Love At First Sight?!!! A Kacie Classic

Here she is ice skating at the Carousel Hotel outside of Ocean City, Md. Watch this one several times. When she and the little boy collide, they briefly exchange glances and something magical happens. Kacie soon looses it and actually skates off of the ice onto the carpeted floor and around a column. She then skates back to the boy, he rejects her and she flees to her mother.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Monday, July 5, 2010

Island Invasion

The last three days have been just about the most crowded that Hilton Head gets. The wealthy and the beautiful from all over the world have arrived.

Look what I found...

I found these pictures on an unmarked CD today

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Lost and Found

Beebs wanted me to publish this recently found artwork. It was in a file in her office. Does anyone know when Kacie may have done this work? It was all graded by an instructor.

More Lost and Found

A Great Gift From Natalie

We just received this minutes ago. Beebs and I want to thank you, Natalie. Now we have to pick a wall.

Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius

The comments on this book caused me a reflect back on Kacie's situation.

When she turned 14, I began to see a tendency in Kacie to be drawn to the "nasty" side of life. Depressing and undesirable people and situations seemed to fascinate her. I tried everything to turn her around by exposing her to the finer things in life like great inspiring books, nice people and just an all round high standard of living. These things had no appeal so I decided that new surroundings would be the answer. We brought her to our island paradise and gave her the opportunity to get a college education here, not work, and go to the beach every day. The big city, Savannah, is only 30 minutes away. At nineteen she left and returned to the things that I knew would destroy her. On the same day that she left, I turned her room into a virtual museum of her life because I had no doubt that her life would be short and painful. It amazed me that she was able to last another 5 years.

In another year or so when I fell less pain, I will obtain Kacie's medical records and do a complete investigation of her cause of death. Any individual(s) that contributed to her death will be legally dealt with. I have an attorney that will guide me through the process.