Saturday, July 10, 2010

America's Funniest Video

Kacie would love this. After numerous technical problems, we have submitted my video to the tv show. Stay tuned for updates. If my video is shown, I have no doubt that I will be bigger than Seinfeld. Is America ready for my sense of humor? I'm very optimistic because I fully believe that if Dumb And Dumber can be a hit, so can I.


Natalie said...

what video did you send in?

Jeff said...

I think they are keeping it a secret. :)

I know it has something to do with making some strange sound or something

Gary New said...

If it won't be broacasted, I'll put in on Kacie's website.

I'm also thinking of sending them some of Kacie's classics.

Gary New said...

America's Funniest Videos required us to sign and mail seventeen legal documents to them before they would consider airing my video.