Saturday, September 4, 2010

Kacie dream

Last night, I woke up around 4 am and finally fell back to sleep. I spent the next hour or so with Kacie. I remember bits and pieces of this dream. She was about the same age as when we saw her last. We spent some time at a movie and then we were getting ready to go to a wedding which I think was in Columbia. We were going to meet everyone there and did not have any transportation. We ended up somewhere at lunch and we could figure out what we were going to wear or how we were going to get to the wedding. Finally, a girl at the restaurant offered to take us on her break if it would only take her a few minutes. Somehow, Kacie and I ended up at place where there was a room full of small alligators and we spent some time there looking at them. Meanwhile, we still couldn't figure out what to wear and we couldn't find the girl that had offered to take us. Then I woke up.
It was really a strange, fragmented dream but it was really like spending a few hours with Kacie, which was wonderful!

Hi, this is Beebs and this was my dream.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

I am so happy you had a dream about Kacie like this. I know that you said in the past you didn't remember many of your dreams. Hope you guys are doing well. It has been a while since I have had a Kacie dream.