Thursday, November 18, 2010


Does anyone else remember Kacie pulling your nose? You know like the trick "got your nose!" I might be completely crazy but I vaguely remember her doing this to me at some point. Did she do it to anyone else?
A few nights ago I was sleeping and having some dream, no idea what it was about but it doesn't matter. All of a sudden I was awoken from the dream from someone pulling my nose like that. I didn't see it in the dream, I just felt it and it woke me up immediately and then i was annoyed. I yelled at Kresimir asking if he had touched my face and he said no and went back to bed. Then I thought about Kacie, being the prankster that she is and trying to remember if she had done something like this to me in the past.... or maybe to someone else.


Nancy said...

Yes, definitely. HaHa. She used to pull Mimi's nose all the time when she was little. She would give poor Mimi a red nose. Im sure she did this to me too!
I had kind of forgotten about this, but Im going to ask Mimi the next time I talk with her... Im sure she will remember!

Natalie said...

I had kinda forgotten about this too. Thats why I had to make sure I wasn't crazy. It is amazing what the sub-concious will reveal sometimes. I remember her doing this to me at some point but I can't remember all the details.