Sunday, February 27, 2011

Great Shark Day

The weather was pefect on Hilton Head Island today and we fished for shark in Calibogue Sound in the vicinity of Kacie's memorial lighthouse. In two hours of fishing we landed four sharks and lost as many. Not real big, in the four feet range and we caught them in a deep hole about sixty feet down. We had an unusal experience with a really large dolphin, Flipperzilla, about ten feet long. It came up to us within touching distance and would not go away. It kept smiling at us and doing tricks until we took off to another spot about a half mile away and sure enough, he followed us.

Jeff, I can catch them year round now so come on home.


Natalie said...

wow flipperzilla sounds adorable but scary at the same time.

Jeff said...

I can't wait...I forgot what warm weather was like, can't wait to go swimming with the sharks and flipperzilla