Sunday, June 19, 2011

wedding shots.


Natalie said...

Here are a few of the lovely photos Amanda's friend, Corrina, took of our wedding. She also did the photos at Kacie's wedding. Amanda also helped out by making out wedding cake and cupcakes. Larissa actually married Kresimir and I. I am really lucky to have made such great friends with both of them. I wish you both could have been there. We talked about how Kacie had brought us together briefly during the ceremony. Wish you guys could have been there but I look forward to seeing you when you visit in the fall! Hope you enjoy the photos.

Rissy said...

It was a beautiful day, and Kacie was very much there in spirit. :)

Nancy said...

Loved seeing your wedding pictures. They are just beautiful. What a beautiful bride you were. Thanks so much for posting them. We wish we could have been there with you both, Larissa and Amanda. It makes us so happy to see how you guys have become such close friends. Kacie would have been so happy for you. It really brings back memories of Kacie and Jeff's wedding. Please tell us what reading you finally decided on for the wedding.