Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Prankster

Hey Guys,

Being today is April Fools day, I remember Kacie was a big fan of practical jokes and pranks. Do you guys remember any pranks or jokes she played on you?



Gary New said...

Hey Natalie,

Kacie loved pranks and we can't remember any April fools but growing up in Woodbine she loved to make people in cars think that she was a tree. Many evenings she and I posed in strange positions as cars passed by to make people think that we were trees. I had planted many trees on our front lawn and Kacie thought that we could blend in.

Nancy said...

I just remembered Kacie telling me she played alot of pranks on the girls she worked with at Nordstroms. I can't remember what the actual pranks were?, really funny though. Maybe she told you? Let us know if you remember.