Saturday, August 25, 2012

We Lost A Little Piece Of Kacie This Morning - Gus Died At 7:20 In Nancy's Arms On The Way To The Vet

Gus had been very sluggish for the last month or so and was losing weight.  His vision and hearing were rapidly deteriorating.  Yesterday, he stopped eating and was breathing heavily and this morning he was too weak to stand.  We'll always remember the day that Jeff and Kacie brought him into our house in a shoe box eleven years ago.  I didn't expect him to survive so I filmed one of the final minutes of his life this morning.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Gary and Nancy
I am so so so sorry to hear of Gus' passing. I know this must be really hard for you guys he was a very special part of the family. Thinking of you guys!