Sunday, December 30, 2012

Kacie's O.C. - Amazing Rainbow Experience 12/18/12

 Look closely at these photos of a double rainbow that appeared as we were looking at the ocean from our balcony at the Dunes Manor Hotel.  No one to our knowledge has ever found the end of a rainbow but we did.  The rainbow did not stop somewhere at the distant horizon but actually descended into the waves right in front of us.  The beautiful colors were actually all around us like something in a dream.  Is this possible?!!!!  All those stories about a pot of gold are untrue.


Natalie said...

beautiful and amazing. Happy new year everyone!

Vincent said...

while i'm not trying to take away from the magic of seeing two rainbows at the same time, i believe the answer to your question is an optical illusion. at first i looked and thought wow it actually ends right in the ocean, but then i realized what you are seeing is the reflection of the rainbow on the ocean causing this visual effect. either way still cool.

Nancy said...

Thanks Vince,

This solves the mystery and makes us feel better. For a while there, we thought that we had possibly eaten too much saltwater taffy and were hallucinating in the Land of Oz.
