Saturday, February 14, 2009

Brown Eyes Dream

I had this dream early this morning.

Nancy and I had two young daughters and we were taking a walk with them on a beautiful sunny day. They appeared to be about two and maybe ten. I was looking at them and suddenly realized that they looked exactly as Kacie did at their ages. I then remarked that Kacie had blue eyes and the youngest one corrected me and said that they were brown. Nancy then said "don't you remember how she looked in the hospital? "


Anonymous said...

I really miss kacie everyday. This dream made me sad. I remember kacie saying one time she really liked green eyes and I also remember those fake glasses she had in high school.

Jeff said...

I don't really have nightmares about what happened in the hospital but during the day, I flashback to very specific things that happened when we were there. I don't want to bring any bad memories back but I think everyone else probably does the same thing. I constantly think about the beeping in the room. I'll never forget hearing that when I talked to Gary on the phone when I was still in Kuwait. I really wish this all never happened. I try not to think about the bad things but I can't help it. I know we all miss her more than anything.