Sunday, February 21, 2010

Expensive Dress Dream

I had this painful dream last night.

Kacie's legal date of death is 3/11/08. For me it will always be 3/7/08. This was the date that she was admitted to the hospital and was determined to be without any brain function. As the date approaches, I've been thinking alot about this and my dream was the result.

In my dream, Nancy came to me and was complaining that Kacie wanted a very expensive dress. I got upset and told her that we knew that Kacie's date of death was very near and that we should give her anything that she wanted and spend as much time with her as possible. I then ran upstairs and entered Kacie's room. She appeared as she did they last time that we saw her and I told her that she could have this dress or anything that she wanted and I woke up.


Jeff said...

I don't really post much about my dreams of her anymore but I have been have dreams with Kacie almost nightly. I remember the other day talking on the phone with her for what seemed like hours. I can't remember what we talked about but it was positive. She always knew how to make me laugh. I miss that.

Natalie said...

I too had a painful dream 2 nights ago. Then I had a continuance of the dream last night. the first dream started out as Kacie came back to life somehow... this is a common theme I have had. In any case, she came back somehow and we were in school together. For some reason I didn't get the news that she was back till she had already been home for several day I had been too busy with work or something. I went to see her at school and she seemed mad at me, as if I had forgotten about her. I remember we were sitting down in desks in a classroom Kacie was in front of me, we were near the back. Jeff was sitting in the front row and his hair was brown. The teacher asked us to fill out some survey and the last question was who is the number one person you can trust with anything and I remember looking onto Kacie's paper and seeing that she wrote Jeff. I remember feeling jealous. (haha sorry jeff!) I remember feeling guilty. I think this dream was triggered by all the guilt I had felt right when Kacie passed. I had been busier with work and I felt like I wasn't there for her as much as I could have been. I wished that maybe I could have changed things and helped her somehow.
I had another dream with Kacie last night. I remember Jeff was there again... I don't remember what we were doing. I remembered it in the morning and by the time i drove to work it had escaped me.