Sunday, February 28, 2010

driftwood from ocean city trip

Here is a collection of drift wood Kacie and I gathered during our winter ocean city trip. I think it was in 2004? We would take long walks from the Dunes Manor down to the end of the boardwalk and back. On our last walk on the beach before we had to leave and go home I made Kacie help me gather as much driftwood as we could find. I emptied out my suitcase and put all the driftwood inside. These are some of the pieces we found that day. I have saved them for years... not sure what to do with them. One of the pieces I made a piece of art out of and gave to Kacie and Gary and Nancy have it now :)
If anyone else is interested in having a piece of the driftwood, I would love to share it with everyone and I could even paint something on it for you if you like. Let me know if anyone would like one. I want to keep at least a piece or two for myself but I would love to give one to anyone else. Let me know. Thanks.


Gary New said...

Hey Natalie,

We just got back from the beach and we were looking for driftwood to place Kacie's picture on for a 3/11 posting.

We would like a small sketch of Kacie on the jetty on a piece of your wood. It might not be until September when we come to Balto. and could get it then. We will be going to visit the jetty on our trip.

Nancy said...

Wow, that'a lot of beautiful driftwood that you and Kacie collected and saved. Thanks for your offer. That was such a special trip for Kacie, something she talked about alot, and always wanted to go back.

Rissy said...

oh natalie, that would be amazing to have!!

Natalie said...

would love to give one to you larissa.... and gary i will see what i can do about the painting of kacie... might be a little bit difficult with the texture... but maybe i could do a silhouette or something... anyone else?