Thursday, March 11, 2010


The weather was beautiful in Maryland today. I took Eva for a walk down River Road late morning and could not have asked for more perfect weather. The sun was shining and there was not a cloud in the sky. I wore a t-shirt the whole time. As you can see in some areas in the shade there are still big piles of snow that have not melted yet. I started off my morning with a iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts (Kacie's fav). I brought my camera with me on the walk but when i got to the rock I realized my camera's batteries were dead. So all of these are taken with my iphone. The water was very high from all of the snow melting. The water was so high that the rock where Kacie's initials were carved was completely covered with about a couple feet of water. I tried to see if i could see the initials through the water but it was too hard to get out there especially with my dog yanking me around. The water was also an unusual bluish green color that was just beautiful looking. I also had noticed the surrounding rocks were special to some other people too. There was a newly carved heart with two peoples names in it and someone else had recently painted on one rock "matt loves lauren" in hot pink paint. While I kneeled down to examine someones handiwork on the rock my iphone slipped out of my pocket and in slow motion tumbled down the rock and PLOP! into 2 or 3 feet of water. I could see the screen was still lit up under water and I instinctivley yelled NO!!! and jumped in the water after it in my boots and jeans. I rescued the phone and the screen went black. I immediatley started crying not only because it is a very expensive phone but just because of my emotions running crazy and the luck of the camera being dead and then I had just taken all these photos and now I thought they were forever gone. As soon as I let out the first few tears, I was shocked to see the light come back up and the phone was still working!? I couldn't believe it. I wanted to go take a picture of the mailboxes that I had told Gary about. the one that says "New" and "Old" on it. But in this case of an emergency, I had to leave and make sure my phone was okay. I went to the Little Georges conveinence store up the street and bought a bag of rice. I buried my phone in it hoping that it would suck out whatever moisture had gotten inside. Needless to say, my phone is working fine! Can you believe it?? After that, I went to Habib's Kabab in Eldersburg (another one of Kacie's faves) and got the Falafel Melt pizza. This evening I am meeting Vince for dinner at the Yabba Pot. It was the first vegan resturaunt Kacie had ever taken me to. Hope everyone else had a good day and did something in Kacie's honor. Love you all. Love you Kacie.


Gary New said...

Thanks. It was great to see River Road again. We'll visit this spot, hopefully with all of you, when we come to Baltimore in September.

Rissy said...

Natalie! You stole all the sun today! I was stuck in my office for most of the day, and it looked pretty dreary outside my window, but on my drive home I did notice a bit of sun peeking through the clouds.

I'm so sorry I couldn't join you for the jaunt to River Road. I would have loved to see the high water and all the new art.

I'm definitely in the midst of a Kacie-esque activity....MOVING! I've been packing all week (the reason I couldnt go to dinner tonight :( ) and the big move is Saturday. I am moving back to Ellicott City with a friend of mine, so hopefully I'll be able to visit Main Street Ellicott City more often and enjoy Kacie's favortie: Bean Hollow!