Saturday, May 29, 2010

A Nice Day Aboard Sweetpea

Today we had a dolphin come right up to our boat. We caught three sharks -the biggest one pictured here is about five feet.

We finally got a crab house. It doesn't look like much from the outside but large male crabs are $20 per dozen steamed.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

things Kacie would have liked in England...

here are some photos from my trip to the uk. we got tea, ofcourse! Also, there is a picture of Kres and I at Abbey Road, right outside of Abbey Road Studios - the famous Beatles shot.

Sunday, May 23, 2010


We used to take walks along the Intercoastal Waterway in this area with Kacie. We've been catching big sharks here recently in about forty feet of water using whole fish for bait. They've been running about 3 to 5 feet and we've caught 8 of them in the last two weeks. This happens to be a popular swimming spot for tourists.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Four Years Ago

It's hard to believe that it will be four years tomorrow.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Saddest Dream Ever

I will always post my dreams whether they are good or bad. I had this dream this morning and it's as bad as they come.

Kacie was dying of some sort of a terminal disease. Nancy and I went to see her at some sort of a funeral home. We walked into a large room full of living children in caskets that were made of clear glass. The childrens' pets were in the caskets with them. The first casket that we came to contained a young girl that was covered with red sores so we were relieved that it wasn't Kacie. The second one that we walked up to was hers. She looked about ten years old and was lying in the casket with puppies all around her. She looked as if there was little life left in her but when she saw me she somehow managed to sit up and with a big smile on her face she said "hi dad."

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I found this under the front seat of my mother's car. Kacie drove the car to us right after Mimi entered assisted living. Does anyone remember it?

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day Flowers

Hi Jeff,

Got your beautiful flowers today. What a nice suprise. Thanks!! :)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mothers Day!

Hi Nancy,

I hope you are having a nice Mothers day today and went and did something special. Larissa, Amanda and I will be going to OC for a weekend July 31st and August 1st. Are you guys still planning on coming up in September? Can't wait to see you!

Thought this pic would make you laugh.

Take Care,

Mother's Day Dream

I had this dream just before I woke up this morning.

We hadn't seen Kacie in a long time and were told of a house that she was living in. When Nancy and I got to the house there were a lot of camera crews outside with bright lights. I looked into the windows of the house and there was no furniture. I walked around the house calling her name until I found an open door and walked into the kitchen. Nancy was there and Kacie seemed to be very upset. She appeared to be in her early teens. We asked her to come back home but she said that she wanted to keep on living on her own. I then came up with the idea of getting her a dog to lure her back home and then I woke up.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Mother's Day Not So Long Ago

Mother's Day 5/92

Mother's Day A Long Time Ago

Slide Projector

I took a short nap this afternoon like all old people do and I had this brief dream.

We were with a lot of people sitting around a swimming pool and Kacie was there with a slide projector. She looked around 9 or 10. I handed her three slides which she showed and then we called her by name and she walked over to our table. Just as she got to us, I woke up.

A Mother's Day Card

Happy Mother's Day Nancy!

Just wanted to say Happy Mother's Day and let you know that I think about you a lot. Hope you guys have a good day and the weather is nice in HHI.
