Thursday, May 13, 2010

Saddest Dream Ever

I will always post my dreams whether they are good or bad. I had this dream this morning and it's as bad as they come.

Kacie was dying of some sort of a terminal disease. Nancy and I went to see her at some sort of a funeral home. We walked into a large room full of living children in caskets that were made of clear glass. The childrens' pets were in the caskets with them. The first casket that we came to contained a young girl that was covered with red sores so we were relieved that it wasn't Kacie. The second one that we walked up to was hers. She looked about ten years old and was lying in the casket with puppies all around her. She looked as if there was little life left in her but when she saw me she somehow managed to sit up and with a big smile on her face she said "hi dad."

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