Wednesday, May 26, 2010

things Kacie would have liked in England...

here are some photos from my trip to the uk. we got tea, ofcourse! Also, there is a picture of Kres and I at Abbey Road, right outside of Abbey Road Studios - the famous Beatles shot.


Nancy said...

Loved this picture!! Two of Kacie's favorite things for sure, she definitely would have loved to be with you.
Congrats to your aunt.

Rissy said...

I know Kacie would have loved to see this Beatles picture! And of course she'd love the tea!

Gary New said...

When I heard that you were London, the first thing that I thought of was the possibility that you might take a picture of Abbey Road. Great picture but you made a little mistake- you should have been barefoot like Paul on the album cover.

Gary New said...


It sounds silly now, but when the Abbey Road album hit the stores Beatle fans all over the world assumed that Paul had died because he was barefoot in the picture. It was widely believed that it was actually Paul's replacement in this picture. Check out google and you'll see that many fans viewed the album cover as a funeral procession.

Natalie said...

wow i never knew that. i wish i could have had kacie in that picture with me. while we were at abbey studios we met some other tourists from Denmark or Finland that were a barbershop quartet who covered Beatles songs, they paid me a few pounds to take their picture and email it to them.
I told Kresimir what you said about the funeral rumors and he also said that "there were other "clues" in other songs and albums that furthered the rumor
the beatles also kinda egged it on very briefly before shutting it down
there is even a song that people claimed if you played backwards said "paul is dead" i think its from i am the walrus"