Saturday, September 4, 2010

Bean Hollow

This past weekend I had the pleasure of visiting Bean Hollow. It was Kacie's favorite coffee shop in Old Ellicott City. I got my usual coffee in a mug and everything bagel toasted with hummus and tomato. Kacie was a big fan of the powerhouse sandwich there. Kresimir and I were about to leave when a man walked in the coffee shop holding a small, adorable pug puppy in his arms. Wish I could have gotten a photo of that.


Nancy said...

Its great you got to visit Bean Hollow. The coffee looks fantastic.
I hope there is a way we all could meet there when we come up. I hope you got my email telling you the dates we are coming. We need to bring Gus with us, so we are looking for a place to meet where he could come along.

Natalie said...

Somehow I did not get the email with the dates you are visiting. Ofcourse, I would LOVE to see you both. Please let me know when. I remember a while back you mentioned October but I don't remember any specific dates. In anycase, would love to see you both and baby gus so please let me know. Thanks!

Nancy said...

We are going send you another e-mail. If you don't get it, let me know, and we will just give you a call. Thanks!