Monday, September 20, 2010

Exercise Class Dream

I had this strange dream yesterday morning.

I was in my late teens and living with my parents. Kacie walked into the house and appeared to be my same age. She walked up to me and told me that she had just come from her exercise class and was laughing hysterically because an old woman in her class had exercised so hard that she got sick and had to stop.


Jeff said...

Kacie and I used to go to a gym in San Antonio. We got a membership and it was a really nice gym. They had spin classes where you ride stationary bikes and they try to motivate you by yelling a lot and playing loud music. We used to love it but laughed at the instructor because she reminded us of Cheri Oteri from Saturday Night Live.

Natalie said...

sounds like something she would laugh at. haha. i think one of my funniest gym stories with kacie was when she and i took some dance aerobics class at this all women's gym in catonsville. it was called "dynamic women" or something like that haha. Kacie and I were both completely lost and have no rhythm. we were making fools of ourselves and laughing so hard.

i think if we made a list of all the different gyms kacie belonged to it probably would be higher then all the places kacie lived. i went with her to quite a few of them.