Saturday, October 9, 2010

Built to Spill

Hi Everyone,

An old friend of mine and Kacie's, Ian, recently sent me this email about a memory he had of Kacie. I asked him if it was okay if I could share it on here because I thought you all would enjoy it too. One of the most common memories people have of Kacie is how she introduced so many people to so many different types of music and bands. And that is one way she can live forever with us, is through the music.

Hi Natalie,
I thought I'd share a story with you because I think you're the only person in the world that could really understand. Back when Kacie and I first met in like 2003, we dated for like a month or so, but in that month she told me about the band built 2 spill and how much she loved them and that I would love them too if I listened. Well, I didn't listen, much to her disappointment, and once the month was over I never actually went back to listen to them. Then when she died in 2008 as an homage to her I thought I'd check them out finally. Of course I fell in love with the band and have been a fan of all their records ever since. I never got to thank her or tell her that, and I went to see them last night for the third time... I will always think of her at those shows and will always be grateful that for some period of time she was my friend.


1 comment:

Nancy said...

Dear Ian and Natalie

Thanks for sharing your memories of Kacie. She had such an enormous collection of music. Im glad you really like the band she introduced you to.