Monday, January 3, 2011

Kacie's Dad's New Year's Resolutions

I honestly believe that most people come up with resolutions that they can't possibly achieve. My following list of resolutions is practical and I promise to focus on them this year and achieve every one.

1. I will set meaningful priorities this year. No longer will I allow things like house repairs, car washing, mowing the lawn, etc. interfere with playing on the beach or cruising in my boat. In fact, I will store my fishing rod next to my lawn mower so that on Saturday mornings I'll be able to make the right choice with the knowledge that the lawn will always be there but fish migrate.

2. I will not be punctual. There's a real lay back attitude here in the south when it comes to being on time for anything. I promise to be just like all of my redneck friends and be atleast fifteen minutes late for every appointment or not show up at all.

3. I will eat what I want and as much as I want. I'd like to be very blunt about this. I'm old. I'm short. I'm bald. If I add the word fat to this description, would it really be a big deal?


Natalie said...

gary this is hysterical!! i love your resolutions! sounds like your resolutions are to enjoy life! that is the best one i have heard so far :)

Jeff said...

I hope to finish my degree this year. I first started going to college because of Kacie and that was over ten years ago.

Well, I am 7 classes away. Hopefully I can get off my lazy butt this year and finish it. I should be a doctor by now

Nancy said...

I am still laughing about Gary's resolutions, the 3rd one especially.

Jeff, you and Natalie are two of the hardest working young people I have ever met. Kacie would have been very proud of both of you and how well you have done!!