Thursday, February 13, 2014

Two Recent Dreams

In my first dream, Kacie was driving her old Toyota behind me here on Hilton Head Island.  I was watching her in my rear view mirror and saw her drive into the side of a big white Rolls Royce.  I was shocked and then saw her once again collide with the same car.  The Rolls pulled off to the side of the road and I got out of my car and walked over to the wrecked car.  I saw an old man with a white beard  in the driver's seat and then I woke up.

Next, I was at a party somewhere and had a big plate of food in my hands.  Suddenly, a very young Kacie walked over to me and without saying a word began to neatly arrange the food on my plate as I watched.  No conversation took place and I woke up.

Old Man

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