Friday, May 30, 2014

Real Estate Photo Dream

I had this dream yesterday morning.

Our Woodbine house was for sale and we hired a realtor to take pictures of the house.  After reviewing the photos I was very disappointed because each one was taken at a strange angle and didn't present the house very well.  The last photo caught my attention because there were three young children standing in front of the house and after close examination I realized that one of them was Kacie.

Old Man

Basement Dream

I had this dream two mornings ago.

We were living in Woodbine and Kacie was in elementary school.  I went down into our basement and was shocked to see that Kacie had written all over the floors  and walls with blue chalk.  When I examined what she had written it was simply a list of girls and the boys that they liked in school.

Then I went to the other side of the basement and found a hose attached to a long inflatable toy in the shape of a snake.  The water pressure was causing leaks which I stopped with great effort.  Next I went upstairs to our front porch and found an old man there that had just caught a stingray on our front lawn.  It was rather small and didn't have a stinger.  I thought to myself that Kacie and I had better be cautious when we walked on the lawn and then I woke up.

Old Man

Monday, May 12, 2014

Best Shark Day Ever

Jeff.  You should have been there.

I caught 10 nice sharks at Kacie's Island this afternoon and probably lost another 10.  Most of them were sand tigers around 4 feet long but 2 of them went 5 feet.  The biggest was a hammerhead.  They hit best at the beginning of the incoming tide.  I used cut mullet for bait and fished in about 10 feet of water at the tip of the island.  This spot is 5 miles out in the ocean off of the southern tip of Hilton Head and is where I caught a 34 inch red drum last week.

Try these techniques on the Japanese sharks and send me some pictures.  Unfortunately, my photographer was not with me today.

Old Man

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Drowning Dream

This afternoon I fell asleep and had this one.

We were living near a small pond and Kacie was very young.  I went to the pond looking for her and saw a couple of large swimming pool toys floating on the surface.  I assumed that Kacie had drowned or was drowning so I swam to the toys with all my energy.  As I approached the toys I heard Kacie say "it's not me, it's Tara."  As I dove under the water to rescue Tara, I woke up.

Tara was a little childhood friend of Kacie's when we lived in Woodbine.

Old Man

Friday, May 2, 2014

Recently Found - Kacie's Clay Teddy Bear

It's extremely fragile and somehow managed to survive in her pile of things.  The clay is still soft and moist inside and could have been made when she was a little girl or possibly her later pottery days.