Friday, May 30, 2014

Basement Dream

I had this dream two mornings ago.

We were living in Woodbine and Kacie was in elementary school.  I went down into our basement and was shocked to see that Kacie had written all over the floors  and walls with blue chalk.  When I examined what she had written it was simply a list of girls and the boys that they liked in school.

Then I went to the other side of the basement and found a hose attached to a long inflatable toy in the shape of a snake.  The water pressure was causing leaks which I stopped with great effort.  Next I went upstairs to our front porch and found an old man there that had just caught a stingray on our front lawn.  It was rather small and didn't have a stinger.  I thought to myself that Kacie and I had better be cautious when we walked on the lawn and then I woke up.

Old Man

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