Sunday, May 18, 2008


I have had several dreams about Kacie since she has passed. The first few were all about the hospital. That the doctors did something wrong and she would have made it. They were very sad dreams that I often woke up in tears to. It was not until recently that I had a happy dream with Kacie. She visited me. I don't remember where the dream took place but I was sitting on the curb of a sidewalk and Kacie showed up. She sat down with me and I was holding her so tight and hugging her. Someone else was there too. Standing above us in the street. We were laughing so hard. In the dream I knew Kacie wasn't alive anymore. Kacie knew she wasn't alive anymore. She told me how happy she was that she didn't have to work anymore. Then somehow I woke up. It was sad but made me smile too.


Natalie said...

Please leave comments with your dreams or memories.

Rissy said...

hahaha...that was DEFINITELY her visiting you then...because that is EXACTLY what she would say!

Gary New said...

That was classic Kacie. My wife,myself and her grandmother are all envious of you. We would love to have a dream like that.