Monday, May 19, 2008


I am so excited people are coming and posting comments and memories. This is a great way for us all to communicate together, since most of us all live far apart from each other.

Here is a pic from Halloween 2006, Kacie and I were "Thelma and Loise" the little scarecrow is my brother Michael. She always came with me to my dad's house on halloween to watch my 2 little brothers get ready and trick or treat a little bit. Then after that we would go out to our own halloween parties. She always was a part of my family too.


Rissy said...

do you remember that Halloween that I came with you guys to that haunted trail thing. did your friends run that, or was it your family?? we got some yuenglings and we were posted at the giant spider that was supposed to drop on peoples' heads. and we were soooooo far from the house so i had to pee in the woods like 10 times. and every time kacie would drop the spider on someone and they'd scream she'd do that deep evil laugh she sometimes did.

Gary New said...

I remember her telling me about
the maze. Love your pics.

from Nancy