Saturday, August 2, 2008

Blogging From the Beach!

Greetings from OC!

Lucky for us, the Dunes Motel (where we are staying) allows us to use all the amenities of the Dunes Manor we got to have tea today! They serve tea and crumpets in the lobby in the afternoon, and that was one of kacie's favorite things about the hotel, so we took full advantage of it today!

After that, we lounged on the beach, then by the pool, and then set out on more kacie-related adventures. 

We made sure to eat at a buffet that kacie would have been in awe of. so much food!!! After that, we went to have our old time picture taken. We also had some photo booth pictures strip for each of us.

Then we visited gary and nancy by standing in front of the webcam on the boardwalk. they got to see us enjoying some chocolate covered bananas. 

Then, we made our way to the jetty. I was terrified, but amanda and natalie were fearless and i had to follow them. there are some big gaps between those rocks. 

Then we went on a very long trek through every jewelry store on the boardwalk, looking for shipwheel earrings. we had no luck unfortunately, but hopefully we'll be successful tomorrow. 

After a little rest, we're off to the karaoke bar to make kacie proud!

and don't worry...better quality photos will come soon!


Jeff said...

Kacie always loved getting the photo booth picys. I think I have some somewhere of me and her when we went in Dec. 05

Gary New said...

Where did you gals have lunch? Hopefully the Doughroller. Send us the bill.