Sunday, August 3, 2008

unbelievable jetty experience

So... when we were down at the Jetty today. I walked all the way out to the end. Amanda was following behind me. There were a few fisherman out there. There was one man on the end who was reeling in his fish line. His fishing line looked like it was carrying something heavy. I said in my head "Kacie if you are listening let this man catch a big fish" The man finished reeling in his fish line and there was no fish on the fish pole. I sighed and turned around to look at the view of the boardwalk and see how far Amanda had gotten along. I looked down and there carved into a rock all the way on the end was my name "Natalie" I was shocked I couldn't believe my eyes.  I started to cry a little bit. I showed Amanda and she was like "Did you just do that?" I was like "Noo!" I couldn't believe it. Amanda took a few pictures of it. Once she gets them loaded onto the computer it would be cool if she could post it. There were no other names carved into any other rocks except for a letter B a little farther up. 


Gary New said...

Awesome! Believe it or not, I'm planning to go to O.C. and carve Kacie's name on the same rock where she was standing in the photo that we have on our wall. I was going to ask you to do it but I figured you didn't have the photo with you to refer to.

Gary New said...

Another thought. Could Kacie have carved your name there on one our your trips together. Her handwriting was terrible so maybe we can determine if she was the author. Please post the picture.

Nancy said...

Oh my god Natalie, I can just imagine how you felt. That gives me such a funny feeling, I think I would have passed out. Maybe??
since Kacie walked out there before do you think it was her writing????

By the way, did you all get to the Dough Roller/Holly's. Let me know
and we will reimburse whoever.